Saturday, April 3, 2010

Consumer Protection and Financial Regulatory Reform: Click to win $25K or stop emptying your wallet

Have you seen ads to Stop the CFPA? It is appearing today at this Compliance and Financial Blog.

Click on the Advertisement and then you go to, a nicely put together website credited to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Includes various videos, news links which include these articles: CFPA: Duplication, Not Consolidation: The CFPA will subject the vast majority of businesses to two separate—and entirely overlapping—layers...CFPA: Adding to Conflict and Inconsistencies...Don’t overthink fiscal oversight (29 Mar 2010)- The Denver Post

SR Note: Nice to have well-financed, targeted ads on this Blog. The CFPA ad rotates with TD Bank Mortgage ads, where you can click to enter a contest to win $25,000 and other non-image plain link ads. You may need to refresh the screen to see any particular ad.
Stop the CFPA

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