Here's a 2018 Summer wish for you to have continued or brand new success. You may have a great summer: if working, retired or get to enjoy a vacation.
Stuart Rosenthal, w/ son - June 2018 High School Graduation |
First of all: THIS unique entry started as a "Draft" at LinkedIn "Publisher." No one needs to read all the way down or click all the links. One link though before my brief career "lookback" will show you how to buy or sell stock, Bitcoin for no fee or commission, obtain a free stock share such as MSFT, APPL or ZYNGA if you live in most U.S. States.
You will see this has a few numbered paragraphs, followed by notes, links to 'social media' profiles that you may click before the short "lookback" on my pre-Recruiting career as a Compliance Officer.
You can also see links to a few recent articles, on Amazon (AMZN) and ETFs, a few names of those I follow or am ''connected" with.
Second intro note: When I read this am reminded that I was once nicknamed "Rambling Man." That moniker was by a friend / former NASD Examiner colleague who replied to me as he referred to the Allman Brothers tune after reading one of my e-mails.
This Summer 2018 "Rosenthal Report" has notes with names of a few of people who I "follow," am "connected" with and who provide excellent updates on news relevant to me.
- Some of the media / Reporters I share at my LinkedIn Group occasionally. The Group was created in 2007 now has over 8000 members; Please see the Group latest Discussions, request to join if you are not a member yet. GROUP NAME: Fintech, Investment Adviser, Broker/Dealer Compliance Officers
- A note on the 'popularity of ETFs has soared in the past decade.' This investment type is just one that was born during my career that we may all be able to buy, hold or sell. Here I copied a June 2018 Tweet: True they 25 yrs old. I guess that makes them Millennials... Ch-Ch-Changes: The ETF Industry Is Adulting.
- You may know that Rules are changing for these as well as other areas in 2018. For ETFs a good person to follow is: Eric Balchunas.
- I hope that you have a great, ethical financial advisor, 401K or IRA with excellent Compliance, Legal and perhaps a Chief Fiduciary Officer to support it. This last Title is a fairly new one that I helped a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) candidate meet with during an interview in June 2018.
- I know many who approve new rules as a Regulator, Attorney, perform oversight or monitor personal investments as a Compliance Officer, Auditor, Attorney or Examiner. Of course, if you are reading this you may oversee or own investment products that you make your own decisions for or rely on an Adviser. As for the "Fiduciary Rule"? You may know that "Even as the Labor Department's fiduciary rule teeters on the edge of demise, its legacy will continue to profoundly influence how investment how investment advice is delivered." This was in an article by Mark Schoeff Jr. who I follow via Twitter.
Few more notes about 2018 with a short "Lookback" on my work as a Compliance Officer
Many individuals are involved in New Business, Marketing, Product, Rule oversight, post trade surveillance, Litigation too. All are good job titles to have working in Financial services.
FYI: When I was employed as a Compliance Officer, I did personal account review/approvals while working at N.A.S.D, Smith Barney, Jefferies, Soleil Securities in 1988-2007. The S.E.C. will announce more soon about Rules or Insider Trading. Firms will perform Sales, Marketing with Legal, Compliance, Audit pre-, post trade approval based on Client, employment, Regulatory requirements, responsibilities.
This month in the United States among other changes, we learned an announced pick will occur on JULY 9: the plans were to interview 1 or 2 candidates for Supreme Court this weekend at Bedminster, NJ. That's close to my home as is Yankee Stadium where I took the photo in this post just a few years ago.
As many know we are amid the 'World Cup' football (futbol aka soccer) in Russia. There are millions of people watching on screens, some are there in person too. I will be quite happy to discuss soccer as I plan to watch my son play in College this Fall. More photos of us may be seen on Instagram, Twitter not much of us both is on LinkedIn. Photo that is here I may post of us is from his High School Graduation in June 2018. You may read an article that has a photo of my son in the local paper with others who will also play Sports in College: 'MHS continues to send athletes to top colleges' + in 2018 one
directly to a Professional Mexican Football Club …
We may go to a game in Yankee Stadium, Red Bull Arena, to see an NYFC, MLS, MLB game or another major league again too. If we get a chance to discuss a sport, any schedule or relevant, active opportunities that will be nice.

We may go to a game in Yankee Stadium, Red Bull Arena, to see an NYFC, MLS, MLB game or another major league again too. If we get a chance to discuss a sport, any schedule or relevant, active opportunities that will be nice.
On the investment side, I hope that you are "fully invested" you may have bought, hold or sold Amazon at a nice profit. Of course there are other excellent individual things that you can buy, hold or sell (now for no commission charge). You may trade as a professional or in your personal accounts (PA). You may ask me for a link or how to buy stock, options or Bitcoin at no commission charge if you do not know yet may view the link provided. If anyone 'opens an account will receive a free share of stock too.' Try it.
Short Career Lookback Back during my Broker-Dealer employment, I worked with MARKET MAKERS through the "Dot Com" boom, made some Friends as I approved their personal trading and Research Reports. I could name or 'shout out' a number of former colleagues thriving, some retired though very few who worked on Trading Desks in 1994-2007 are still there.
Aside from LinkedIn, some of us use Twitter. One former prominent former equity research analyst, Henry Blodget was an Internet analyst later founded Business Insider which is one excellent news source that is very popular in 2018.
ICYMI: Meet PillPack, the pharmacy startup Amazon acquired sent pharmacy stocks into a frenzy $AMZN or read. I saw this as my connection, Matt Turner shared this via LinkedIn and Twitter. Matt who also tweeted an article: Amazon's $1 billion purchase of PillPack wiped out 15 times that from pharmacy stocks — and it shows the outsized effect the juggernaut can have on an industry
Finally - a Bloomberg article typically has excellent "Market Surveillance." One from June 2018 that has an excerpt here that a Reporter, who I follow, Eric Balchunas wrote Here’s your bi-monthly “ETFs are WMDs” article. This one has all the fixins for too.
Finally - a Bloomberg article typically has excellent "Market Surveillance." One from June 2018 that has an excerpt here that a Reporter, who I follow, Eric Balchunas wrote Here’s your bi-monthly “ETFs are WMDs” article. This one has all the fixins for too.
Banks must bear much of the blame for previous financial crises. In the next one, ordinary investors could play a more central role.
Ironically, they’ll do so through vehicles created with them in mind — exchange-traded funds, or ETFs. These listed funds are passive by nature, designed to track the performance of an index of stocks, bonds, currencies or commodities rather than to pick and choose among individual companies.
Read the Full ETF article, to learn more. Then feel free to let me know your feedback, suggestions, criticize, comment about your plans, if you may want to schedule a call or suggest attending an event soon: