Sunday, October 30, 2011
Boston MA Wed. 11/2/11 - Advice on Social Media & How Bernie Madoff Was Nabbed
After a very successful New York event last summer, Rosenthal Recruiting will be at an after-work event in Boston.
This is a convenient, informal yet professional event. This invitation has primarily gone out to the Broker/Dealer, Investment Adviser Compliance Officers Group in Boston and will be on Wednesday, November 2, 2011 from 5:30 to 8:00 PM (ET).
This will include speakers and an opportunity to network with the local Financial, Legal, Investment Management and Broker-Dealer community. It should also be a nice hour or two for others interested in these topics.
Please click here to forward - view or RSVP and reserve attendance.
Evening Agenda - Welcome - Hot Hors D'oeuves 5:30 - 6:00 pm
Event Speakers
Paul M. Tyrell, Esq., Counsel at Bingham McCutchen LLP
Topic - Social Media - The Devil's in the Details Guidelines & advice on how to use and not use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+
Frank R. Casey, Partner at SkyView Investment Advisers
Frank is Co-Founder of the Foxhounds Madoff Whistle Blower Team featured in the movie "Chasing Madoff." This was based on the book "No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller." Books & Autographs Available.
Discussion - 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Location: Market 21 Broad St. Boston, MA 02109 Hot Spot downtown Boston. Market serves great food with specialty cocktails. Not to mention an outdoor patio for dining, a roof top bar for appetizers and cocktails...although snow & cold may prevent patio & roof Wednesday at Market is Winedown Wednesdays...enjoy a glass and dinner following your discussion of Social Media Best Practices & How Madoff Was Caught/ View Market Website
Cash Bar open throughout the evening.
To repeat, please click here to View - Forward - RSVP attendance or go to Event Brite directly. That address is: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2295074630
For information on the New York August 2011 Mixer which had over 100 attendees - click here: NYC Broker/Dealer, Investment Advisers Compliance Officers LinkedIn Group Mixer . Address: http://brokerdealerinvestmentadvisernycmixer.eventbrite.com/
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(973) 826-0537