Rosenthal Recruiting was included in a post today on FINS.com - part of The Wall Street Journal Digital Network - in an article called “Where Compliance Pros Connect Online.”
In addition to FINS' mention of what she referred to as "Compliance Oversights", a Rosenthal Recruiting 'trusted partner' was included as well. Bill Singer, whose Broke and Broker blog is listed at RosenthalRecruiting.com was also included in the blogs section of the article.
Here is an excerpt and the parts about 'Compliance Oversight':
Now that financial regulation reform has a chance of passing, compliance has never been so important. It will be up to compliance officers to ensure that their companies meet all the new demands — whether at an investment bank or a PE shop.
If you’re looking to keep up with the latest on all the new decrees or just a little cyber-networking, here’s a guide to online communities for compliance officers.
-Broker Dealer, Investment Advisor Compliance Officers brings together, you guessed it, BD and IA compliance officers -- and has nearly 700 members. It's run by compliance recruiter and blogger Stuart Rosenthal (see below).
- Compliance Oversights is maintained by Rosenthal, the owner of the Broker Dealer, Investment Advisor Compliance Officers LinkedIn group. Rosenthal, a former compliance officer-turned-recruiter, gives a recruiter's perspective on compliance hiring.
Please follow the link to view the entire article and see the compliance-related LinkedIn Groups, blogs, and Twitter accounts FINS recommends.